
Perirhinal cortex is involved in the resolution of learned approach–avoidance conflict associated with discrete objects


Exploring the interaction between approach-avoidance conflict and memory processing


The human medial temporal lobe is necessary for remembering durations within a sequence of events but not durations of individual events


Multivoxel pattern similarity suggests the integration of temporal duration in hippocampal event sequence representations

Hippocampal activity patterns are sensitive to temporal order and duration. Duration sensitivity is not dependant on explicit temporal processing. Findings support a temporal representation of event sequences in the hippocampus.

Perception of impossible scenes reveals differential hippocampal and parahippocampal place area contributions to spatial coherency

Surprisingly little is known about how the brain combines spatial elements to form a coherent percept. Regions that may underlie this process include the hippocampus (HC) and parahippocampal place area (PPA), regions central to spatial perception but …

Recognition Memory is Improved by a Structured Temporal Framework During Encoding

In order to function optimally within our environment, we continuously extract temporal patterns from our experiences and formulate expectations that facilitate adaptive behavior. Given that our memories are embedded within spatiotemporal contexts, …

Examining the role of the human hippocampus in approach–avoidance decision making using a novel conflict paradigm and multivariate functional magnetic resonance imaging

Approach–avoidance conflict has been linked to anxiety and occurs when a stimulus or situation is associated with reward and punishment. Although rodent work has implicated the hippocampus in approach–avoidance conflict processing, there is limited data on whether this role applies to learned, as opposed to innate, incentive values, and whether the human hippocampus plays a similar role. Using functional neuroimaging with a novel decision-making task that controlled for perceptual and mnemonic processing, we found that the human hippocampus was significantly active when approach–avoidance conflict was present for stimuli with learned incentive values. These findings demonstrate a role for the human hippocampus in approach–avoidance decision making that cannot be explained easily by hippocampal-dependent long-term memory or spatial cognition.